I am Kate Hendriks, a certified dog trainer and certified family dog mediator who offers private dog training in London Ontario. The red Labrador retriever in the photo is my girl, Millie.
I believe in ethical, humane, welfare-based dog training and use least intrusive, minimally aversive methods. My goal is to help dog owners feel confident and well-equipped to help their dogs navigate everyday life in our busy urban environment. Once we understand the why behind your dog's behaviour, it makes it easier to start implementing practical solutions with compassion and a sense of calm.
Dogs are complex sentient beings who think and feel, and helping them to feel safe and able to resiliently navigate life is a big responsibility. This is why I am committed to dedicating time and resources to continuing education. Clients deserve the best care possible, and ensuring that my knowledge and skillset is humane and up-to-date is just one way I can help provide clients with this care. Keep scrolling to view my current certifications and completed professional courses and webinars.​​​
My Credentials
L.E.G.S. Applied Ethology Family Dog Mediation Professional Course, Certified FDM
The L.E.G.S. Applied Ethology Family Dog Mediation Professional Course is a certification program for dog professionals developed by applied ethologist and Certified Dog Behaviour Consultant Kim Brophey. It is internationally recognized as an effective, holistic, science-backed approach to understanding dogs and intervening on their behalf to resolve problems practically and meaningfully. It uses the L.E.G.S. Model of Integrated Canine Science. Learn more about the L.E.G.S. Model here.
Michael Shikashio's Aggression in Dogs Master Course, Graduate
The Aggression in Dogs Master Course is recognized as the world's most comprehensive course to date on working dog aggression cases for professional dog trainers and dog behaviourists. Modules were taught by dog aggression expert Michael Shikashio, board-certified veterinary behaviorist Dr. Chris Pachel, and applied ethologist Kim Brophey.​
Dante Camacho's Holistic Approach to Reactivity (2-Part Foundations Course), Completed
Good Dog Academy's Professional Pet Dog Trainer Certificate Program, Certified
Continuing Education Webinars (Completed)
Using Pattern and Movement to Help Heal Trauma Webinar (Leslie McDevitt)
Recognizing Pain in Dogs Webinar (Dr. Debbie Gross Torraca)
Dog to Cat Aggression Webinar (Katenna Jones)
Developing Behaviour Modification Plans in Difficult Environments Webinar (Tom Candy)
Predation Substitute Training Webinar: New Ways to Manage Predatory Chasing (Simone Muller)
Assessing Canine Posture and Movement Webinar (Sarah Keller)
Husbandry and Aggression: How to Navigate Blurred Lines (Board-certified veterinary behaviourist Dr. Kelly Ballantyne and KPA Faculty Laura Monaco Torelli)
Play Way! For Reactivity and Aggression Challenges! (Dr. Amy Cook)
​Dogsafe Canine First Aid 101, Certified